目前分類:Beneath the Waves (25)

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2020-11-10 Beneath the Waves p.36-37 補充飛魚 by Peggy (11) (0)
2020-11-10 P44-45 大王魷魚 by Sandia (282) (0)
2020-11-07 Beneath the Wave 延伸押花作品 by Sarah (24) (0)
2020-11-07 Beneath the Waves大意與心得 (70) (0)
2020-11-07 Beneath the Waves課外補充資料p54p55獨角鯨&北極熊by Sarah (13) (0)
2020-11-02 Beneath the Waves P51補充 - 海象 (6) (0)
2020-11-02 Beneath the Waves P51補充 - 豎琴海豹 (19) (0)
2020-11-02 Beneath the Waves P50補充 - 信天翁 (9) (0)
2020-10-24 P.31  Sea Krait(扁尾海蛇屬) 補充資料 --- by Penny (16) (0)
2020-10-21 P20-21補充水獺 by-vivi (16) (0)
2020-10-20 p.39 大青鯊-補充3-辨識烏賊 by Carrie (83) (0)
2020-10-20 p.39 大青鯊-補充2-沙丁魚 by Carrie (5) (0)
2020-10-19 p.42 會發光的螢火蟲魷魚(Firefly Squid) by Sandy (154) (0)
2020-10-19 P.30  Sea Nettle (海蕁麻) 補充資料 --- by Penny (92) (0)
2020-10-18 p.39 大青鯊-補充1-pilot fish by Carrie (21) (0)
2020-10-18 p.39 大青鯊 by Carrie (27) (0)
2020-10-13 p.38 旗魚-補充2-戰浪(紀錄片) by Carrie (9) (0)
2020-10-13 p.38 旗魚-補充1-鏢旗魚 by Carrie (35) (0)
2020-10-13 p.38 旗魚 by Carrie (13) (0)
2020-10-12 p.43 深海中發光的-Anglerfish鮟鱇魚 by Sandy (412) (0)
2020-10-11 Beneath the Waves 課外補充資料:北極海鸚puffins by Sarah (112) (0)
2020-10-11 Beneath the Waves 課外延伸資料:押花by Sarah (17) (0)
2020-10-06 Beneath the Waves p28,29補充資料 Green Turtle綠蠵龜 by Sunny (125) (0)
2020-09-26 Beneath the Waves 補充-海葵(Joanna) (40) (0)
2020-09-03 Beneath the Waves 作者繪者簡介 (14) (0)