


Okonomiyaki 大阪燒
This is a type of Japanese pancake or pizza.

Okonomi means "as you like" and yaki means

There’s a basic batter and special vanishes , but you get to choose the fillings that you like.

You can make it in a frying pan on the stove, but it's most fun on an electric tabletop griddle.

Ingredients 配料
Batter: 麵糊:
1 cup flour(1杯麵粉)
1 egg(1雞蛋)
3/4 cup dashi (or water) (3/4杯 鰹魚高湯(或水))
1 cup (packed) finely chopped cabbage (1杯(包裝的)切碎的高麗菜(捲心菜)

Fillings: Choose your favorite, or a combination, from these standard choices: Chicken, Roast Pork or Beef, Shrimp, Squid, Octopus, Corn, Mushrooms, Onion (Plan for about 1/4 cup for each individual portion, if using two or more ingredients.)
餡料:從這些一般的選擇中選擇自己喜歡的食物,或混合多種口味:雞肉,烤豬肉或牛肉,蝦,魷魚 ,章魚,玉米,蘑菇,洋蔥(如果使用兩種或多種成分,則每份各約 1/ 4杯。)

Sauces and Garnishes: (醬料和配菜:)
Okonomiyaki sauce (or tonkatsu sauce) (禦好燒醬(或炸豬排醬))
Mayonnaise (蛋黃醬(美乃滋))
Katsuo-bushi (dried bonito flakes) (鰹魚片(魚乾薄片))
Sakura-ebi (dried shrimps) (櫻花- 蝦米(乾蝦米))
Beni-shoga (red ginger) (乾薑(紅薑))
Ao-nori (green seaweed) (海苔粉(綠海苔))


1. In a bowl, mix the batter ingredients with an electric mixer.

2. Heat griddle or pan with oil (standard vegetable oil or sesame oil). Fry your fillings until they're close to being cooked.

3. Arrange each individual portion of the fillings in a round, and pour about 1/2 cup of the batter on top. The pancake should be about 10cm (4 inches) in diameter. Flatten with spatula and let cook on medium-high heat about five minutes.
3.將餡料的每個單獨部分整成圓形,並倒入約1/2杯麵糊在最上面。 煎餅的直徑應為10厘米(約4英寸),用抹刀將其壓扁,然後用中火加熱約5分鐘;

4. When the bottom side is firm, flip the pancake and cook another five minutes, until cooked all the way through.
4。當底部定型後,翻轉煎餅並再煎5分鐘, 直到完全煎熟為止

5. When done, if making on griddle, turn the heat down to warm and spread the sauces over the entire top of the pancake, and then sprinkle on the garnishes. If making in a frying pan, transfer to a serving plate first, then add the sauce and garnishes.
5.完成後,如果是在煎鍋上煎,請將熱度調低至保溫,然後將醬汁攤在整個煎餅上,然後再撒上配菜。 如果在煎盤煎時,先將其移入餐盤中,然後加入醬汁和配菜。

6. Cut into wedges and enjoy!

Makes 3-4 kid-sized portions


Nigiru means "to grasp or hold in one's hand." Onigiri are rice balls that have a flavorful filling and are often wrapped in seaweed. They are the perfect picnic food in Japan. Usually onigiri are shaped as balls or triangles.

Nigiru(握)的意思是“握住或握在手中”。 飯糰是一種飯糰子,有美味的餡料,通常用海苔包裹。 它們是日本最完美的野餐食品。 通常,飯糰形狀為球形或三角形。

Ingredients and Equipment
•A small bowl or cup that is the size you want your rice balls to be
•Sturdy plastic wrap.
•A rice scoop or a spoon

•Properly cooked white Japanese rice or "sushi" rice


•Water、Salt 、Wrappings of your choice. Example: sheets of dried seaweed


•Fillings of your choice. Examples: salted grilled flaky salmon, umeboshi pickled plum, shio kombu (kombu seaweed that's been cooked in a soy-based sauce until tender and salty)
。您選擇的餡料。 例如:鹽醃烤片狀鮭魚,梅干醃梅,昆布(用醬油烹製的海帶紫菜,直到變嫩變鹹)

1. Line the small bowl or cup with a piece of plastic wrap that's big enough to hang over the sides. Press the plastic down into the cup with your fingers.
1.在小碗或杯子裡襯入一塊保鮮膜,保鮮膜要足夠大,可以懸掛在兩側。 用手指將保鮮膜向下壓入杯子。

2. Sprinkle the inside of the cup with a little water. Shake out the excess into the sink.
2.在杯子的內部灑少許水。 將多餘的水倒入水槽。

3. Sprinkle the inside of your wetted, plastic-lined bowl or cup with salt, turning so the sides get sprinkled too. Shake out any excess salt.
3.在沾濕了的有保鮮膜內襯碗或杯子的內部撒上鹽,轉動,使側面也撒上。 甩掉多餘的鹽。

4. Fill the cup with rice up to the brim. No need to press down; just fill it loosely.
4.往杯子裡倒入米飯直到邊緣。 無需按下; 鬆鬆地填進去。

5. With your finger, poke a hole in the middle of the rice, about halfway down in depth.

6. Put your filling of choice in the hole-about 1/2 Tablespoon. Lightly press the rice over the filling.
6.將您選擇的內餡放入約1 / 2大匙的洞中。 將米飯輕輕壓在餡料上。

7. Gather up the sides of the plastic wrap. Pulling the whole thing up and out of the bowl or cup, twist and squeeze, pushing out any excess air. Twist the ends of the plastic wrap tightly to form a ball.
7.將保鮮膜的側面收攏。 將整個從碗或杯子中拉出,扭轉並擠壓,排出多餘的空氣。 擰緊保鮮膜的兩端以形成球形。

The squeezing is important, so that the salt sinks into the rice, and to make sure that the rice grains stick together enough so that the ball will not disintegrate when you bite into it. For round onigiri you can squeeze and press a bit and you're done. For triangular rice balls, just shape into a triangle.
擠壓很重要,這樣鹽才能沉入米飯中,並確保米粒粘在一起,以便當您咬進去時球不會散掉。 對於圓形的onigiri,您可以壓一下並按一下就可以了。 對於三角飯糰,只需將其成形為三角形即可。

8. Continue this process to make as many onigiri as you have rice and fillings for. (If you are traveling, you can pack the onigiri just like this, each one in its own plastic wrap.)
8.繼續此過程,以製作盡可能多的飯糰和餡料。 (如果您要旅行,可以像這樣包裝飯糰,每個飯糰都用保鮮膜個別包裝。)

9.When ready to eat, take off the plastic and wrap with dried seaweed.



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