The Story of Ruby Bridges (P1,P2) --by Penny

Ruby Bridges 生平介紹:

Ruby Bridges

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The Problem We All Live With by Norman Rockwell, depicting Bridges as she goes to school

Ruby Bridges Hall (born Ruby Nell Bridges September 8, 1954, in Tylertown, Mississippi) moved with her parents to New Orleans, Louisiana at the age of 4. In 1960, when she was 6 years old, her parents responded to a call from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and volunteered her to participate in the integration of the New Orleans School system. She is known as the first African-American child to attend William Frantz Elementary School, and the first African-American child to attend an all-white school in the South. [1]



In Spring 1960, Ruby Bridges was one of several African-American kindergarteners in New Orleans to take a test to determine which children would be the first to attend integrated schools. Six students were chosen; of these six, two decided to stay in their original schools, three were assigned to McDonogh Elementary school, and only Bridges was assigned to William Frantz. Her father initially was reluctant, but her mother felt strongly that the move was needed not only to give her own daughter a better education, but to "take this step forward ... for all African-American children."[2]

The court-ordered first day of integrated schools in New Orleans, November 14, 1960, was commemorated by Norman Rockwell in the painting The Problem We All Live With.[3] As Bridges describes it, "Driving up I could see the crowd, but living in New Orleans, I actually thought it was Mardi Gras. There was a large crowd of people outside of the school. They were throwing things and shouting, and that sort of goes on in New Orleans at Mardi Gras."[3] Former marshal Charles Burks later recalled, "She showed a lot of courage. She never cried. She didn't whimper. She just marched along like a little soldier, and we're all very proud of her."[4]

As soon as Bridges got into the school, white parents went in and brought their own children out; all but one of the white teachers also refused to teach while a black child was enrolled. Only Barbara Henry, from Boston, Massachusetts, was willing to teach Bridges, and for over a year Mrs. Henry taught her alone, "as if she were teaching a whole class." That first day, Bridges and her adult companions spent the entire day in the principal's office; the chaos of the school prevented their moving to the classroom until the second day. Every morning, as Bridges walked to school, one woman would threaten to poison her,[5] because of this, the marshals overseeing her only allowed Ruby to eat food that she brought from home. Another woman at the school put a black baby doll in a wooden coffin and protested with it outside the school, a sight that Bridges Hall has said "scared me more than the nasty things people screamed at us." At her mother's suggestion, Bridges began to pray on the way to school, which she found provided protection from the comments yelled at her on the daily walks.[6]

Child psychiatrist Robert Coles volunteered to provide counseling to Bridges during her first year at Frantz. He met with her weekly in the Bridges home, later writing a children's book, The Story of Ruby Bridges, to acquaint other children with Bridges' story.

The Bridges family suffered for their decision to send her to William Frantz Elementary: her father lost his job, and her grandparents, who were sharecroppers in Mississippi, were turned off their land. She has noted that many others in the community both black and white showed support in a variety of ways. Some white families continued to send their children to Frantz despite the protests, a neighbor provided her father with a new job, and local people babysat, watched the house as protectors, and walked behind the federal marshals' car on the trips to school.[3][7]

Adult life

Ruby Bridges, now Ruby Bridges Hall, still lives in New Orleans. For 15 years she worked as a travel agent, later becoming a full-time parent to her four sons. She is now chair of the Ruby Bridges Foundation, which she formed in 1999 to promote "the values of tolerance, respect, and appreciation of all differences". Her parents later divorced. Describing the mission of the group, she says, "racism is a grown-up disease and we must stop using our children to spread it."[8]

In 1993 Bridges Hall began looking after her recently orphaned nieces, then attending William Frantz Elementary as their aunt had before them. She began to volunteer as a parent liaison three days a week. Eventually, publicity related to Coles' children's book caused reporters to track down Bridges Hall and write stories about her volunteer work at the school, which in turn led to a reunion with teacher Henry. Henry and Bridges Hall now sometimes make joint appearances in schools in connection with the Bridges Foundation.[9]

On January 8, 2001, Bridges was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal by President Bill Clinton.[10]

On October 27, 2006, the city of Alameda, California dedicated a new elementary school to Ruby Bridges, and issued a proclamation in her honor.

In November 2006 she was honored in the Anti-Defamation League's Concert Against Hate.

In 2007 the Children's Museum of Indianapolis unveiled a new exhibit documenting Bridges' life, along with the lives of Anne Frank and Ryan White.

Bridges is the subject of the Lori McKenna song "Ruby's Shoes." Bridges's childhood struggle at William Franz Elementary School was portrayed in the 1998 made-for-TV movie Ruby Bridges. Bridges was portrayed by actress Chaz Monet; the movie co-starred Penelope Ann Miller as Ruby's teacher, Mrs. Henry, and Kevin Pollack.


  1. ^ The Unfinished Agenda of Brown v. Board of Education, p. 169
  2. ^ Ruby Bridges Hall. "The Education of Ruby Nell," Guideposts, March 2000, pp. 3-4.
  3. ^ a b c Charlayne Hunter-Gault. "A Class of One: A Conversation with Ruby Bridges Hall," Online NewsHour, February 18, 1997
  4. ^ Susannah Abbey. Freedom Hero: Ruby Bridges
  5. ^ Excerpts from Through My Eyes, at African American World for Kids
  6. ^ Bridges Hall, Guideposts p. 4-5.
  7. ^ Bridges Hall, Guideposts p. 5.
  8. ^ The Ruby Bridges Foundation
  9. ^ Bridges Hall, Guideposts, p. 7.
  10. ^ "President Clinton Awards the Presidential Citizens Medals". Washington, D.C: The White House (, archived by the National Archives and Records Administration ( 2001-01-08. Retrieved 2009-03-11. 

Further reading

  • Bridges Hall, Ruby. Through My Eyes, Scholastic Press, 1999. (ISBN 0590189239)
  • Coles, Robert. The Story of Ruby Bridges, Scholastic Press, 1995. (ISBN 0590572814)
  • Steinbeck, John. Travels with Charley in Search of America, Viking Adult, 1962. (ISBN 0670725080)
  • The Unfinished Agenda of Brown v. Board of Education, John Wiley & Sons, 2004. (ISBN 0471649260)

External links


Ruby Bridges 演講

Ruby Bridge 的著作: Through My Eyes

Ruby's Shoes:

Ruby Bridge 的故事電影:
Ruby Bridges The Movie (Part 1/9) HQ




Ruby Bridges

【勇敢小鬥士】(Ruby Bridges)是迪士尼於1998年所推出的一部TV電影,當初是安排於美國迪士尼旗下ABC頻道『迪士尼奇妙世界』時段首度播出,迪士尼特別請來當時的美國總統 Bill Clinton 以及迪士尼總裁 Michael Eisner 共同幫本片引言。

【勇敢小鬥士】是根據真人真事所改編而成,故事背景是在1960年美國 Louisiana 州的 New Orleans ,當時美國正面臨黑白種族藩籬矛盾衝突不斷的年代,儘管聯邦政府盡力要打破種族界線、促進族群融合,但在某些地區黑白對立情勢依然明顯。本片主角是一名六歲的小女孩 Ruby Bridges ,這位黑人小女孩由於成績優異,被選為首位進入一間原本都是白人的名校就讀,官方希望藉著這個突破瓦解當地黑白之間的藩籬,但此舉卻讓那些白人家長無法接受,他們不但將孩子轉班不跟 Ruby 同班,甚至還群聚校門口對 Ruby 這樣一個僅僅六歲的小女孩辱罵、丟擲東西。然而,美國政府派出專屬侍衛天天護送 Ruby 上學,頗有耐心的老師 Barbara Henry 面對唯一的學生 Ruby(其他學生都轉班了)也盡全力來教導,還有一位義務心理專家 Robert Coles 的幫忙,以及她父母的打氣鼓勵,Ruby 這位勇敢小鬥士不向挫折低頭,她的堅毅執著最後終於突破了黑白之間的藩籬。

本片由 Euzhan Palcy 執導,飾演主角女孩 Ruby Bridges 的是 Chaz Monet ,因演出本片表現出色,而獲得當年美國年輕演員獎。片中飾演她父母的分別是 Michael Beach 及 Lela Rochon ;飾演 Barbara Henry 老師的則是 Penelope Ann Miller ,心理專家 Robert Coles 則由 Kevin Pollak 擔任。其他演員還包括 Diana Scarwid 、Chuck Kinlaw 、Patrika Darbo …等。配樂則由 Patrice Rushen 負責。另外本片還獲得美國 Humanitas Prize 、National Educational Media Network Gold Apple 等獎項的肯定。


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