目前分類:Peter and the Wolf (4)

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因為這本書要練直笛,上課變得好有壓力,老師會抽考阿!超緊張的 By Yvette

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Peter and the wolf 一書透過老師的講解及同學的共讀,了解了Peter and the wolf 書中每項樂器和人物的對應,短短的故事發展加上樂器的演奏,音樂的陪襯及張力, 真的很酷!

而且這學期我真是太有長進了,因為Peter and the wolf 我學了直笛, 而且還是中音直笛 (後來才發現高音笛比較簡單~哈)。



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IMG_6303    Ian Beck作品延伸            

Winston the book wolf 


Winston the Wolf is very, very hungry. And when he’s hungry, there’s nothing he loves to do more than eat books! His eating habits get him banned from the library, so Rosie takes him out into the woods to teach him how to read books, not eat them. Winston finds that words taste even better when he devours them with his eyes. But now that he’s learned the right way to treat books, he needs to find a way back into the library. . . maybe Rosie’s randmother’s clothes would be the perfect disguise to fool the librarian! This hilarious takeoff on Little Red Riding Hood, complete with fabulous art and a die-cut cover, highlights the importance of books and the joy of reading.  

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原作者Sergei Prokofiev  繪者Ian Beck


原作者Sergei Prokofiev


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